Stephanie Watkins Free Meditation


Being unconditionally loved is something we each deeply desire to feel.

What if I wasn’t dependent on the people and circumstances in my life in order for me to receive this love?

What if I could choose to experience it anytime?

I invite you to explore with me this love that is always available to us.

Generating and Receiving Love

After the meditation, allow yourself to stay in a state of open receiving. When it’s time for you to move, squeeze all your muscles and stretch long in the body. Then gently twist your spine.

NOTE: If you notice your body reacting during this meditation, know that this is a communication from your body. Soften. Listen. Just by bringing your presence to this place in your body, you are loving that part. The more you cultivate this love, the deeper you’ll go.

Research reveals the heart to be a command center of intelligence that is tied to every system and every cell of our body. By cultivating heart love we create regulation through the nervous system.